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Phixius star GEISHA

..May 2016 - 4 years and 9 mois
Geisha and his son Kiwi Jr (Litter Baby Boom)

Aprile 2016 - 4 years and 8 months
The day before birth of Baby Boom Litter



February 2016 - 4.5 yrs



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Year 2015


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December 2014 - 3 yrs and 4 months
Geisha and her daughter Funny (Litter Junior)

November 2014 - 3 yrs and 3 months
Waiting her new babies (Junior)


March 2014 - 2 yrs and 7 months.




December 2013 - 2 yrs and 4 months.




March 2013 - 19 months.




October 2012 - 14 months



August 2012 - 1 YEAR





February 2012 - 6 months




December 2011 - 4 months











November 2011 - 3 months




12 weeks

10 weeks

7 weeks

5 weeks

2  weeks

Phixius Star Conception